2011-2012 I 50min.
The pre-project phase is based on a three-month stay in MADRID from end of July until end of Octobre 2011. Various cooperations with artist friends are planned to happen in the streets of MADRID. What is it all about?
During the three months of StreetlifeMAD there are everyday performances around the center of Madrid. The goal is to create a final performance which will be a summary of the very best the artists put out in the streets. The final presentation will take place in Austria (Salzburg, Klagenfurt) in February 2012.
StreetlifeMAD is more than just a project. The documentary film is supposed to show the art and living of young artists during the time of StreetlifeMAD. It’s all about the happy and tough moments, the creative process and hard work, about coming and leaving, funny times and friendship.
The project is accompanied by photographer Dusana Baltic who’s main aim is to catch moving moments and creative actions of the artists. Beside the rocking actions of StreetlifeMAD the focus is also on Madrid’s streetlife: the restless city and it’s people.
The place in which “StreetlifeMAD” is to originate can hardly be called a rehearsal room: in the pedestrian areas most famous for its street art, the artists will jointly present newly developed content from the areas of urban dance, theatre, comedy, pantomime, flamenco, music, as well as cinematic and photographic art.
If these ideas appeal to the critical street audience, they will be maintained, further refined and eventually developed into high-class performances. In combination with the footage from the video and photo documentation these are to be presented to the Spanish and Austrian audiences in a first step.
The idea of “StreetlifeMAD” constitutes an artistic pivot point providing a wide range of exchange and performance opportunities for artists from Spain, Austria, Croatia, Poland, France and more countries. The final performance including the photo exhibition took place in February 2012.
A cooperation with daskunst.
3 Monate Madrid – 300 Straßenshows – 20 Artists – 50.000 Zuseher!
Die Initiatoren Dušana Baltić und Valentin Alfery erlebten dies gemeinsam mit ausgewählten TänzerInnen, MusikerInnen und SchauspielerInnen aus Österreich, Spanien, Frankreich, Kroatien, Polen und Deutschland.
“…den urbanen Raum zurückerobern…” – was oft als Floskel in diversen Kunstausschreibungen zu finden ist, passierte hier 90 Tage am Stück hauptsächlich mithilfe der Fusion von Breakdance, Flamenco und Bucket-Percussion. Die entstandenen Performances und der schwierige Weg zwischen spanischer Bürokratie, Polizei, extremer Hitze und Revolte auf den brodelnden Straßen und Plätzen Madrids sind das Thema der Koproduktion mit daskunst. Das Publikum erwartet zudem eine Fotoaustellung sowie einen Dokumentarfilm.